We meet at 11 am for games and an opportunity to chat. Membership cost is £5 per month and we only take a break during August. The membership charge covers an annual outing, a cream tea, and Christmas lunch. Lunch is served at 12 noon at a cost of £2.50 and this must be booked in advance. After lunch we have a short epilogue, which might include a quiz, some singing, a brief thought from a speaker and a Benediction. The event usually concludes between 1.00 and 1.15 pm.
Members can play Scrabble, buy coffee, find bargains on the Bring and Buy stall and chat with other members. On the first Wednesday of each month we have a programme, which includes speakers, choirs, soloists, exercise, entertainers etc.
All retired people are welcome to join the club. You do not need to have any
church membership. If you are lonely, would enjoy a warm friendly atmosphere, where you can widen your circle of friends and be entertained, you might like to try us out.